Legal Notices

These provisions establish the terms and conditions for the use of this website (legal notices). Please review them carefully before exploring the site. By accessing the Koaria website, you acknowledge that you have fully read and understood these legal notices. Your visit constitutes acceptance of the terms set forth below.

All elements present on this site (texts, graphic or multimedia elements, including underlying technology…) remain the exclusive property of Koaria or third parties who have granted permission for their use. These elements are protected by Intellectual Property rights. The ability to view and save data from this site on another medium does not confer any right to reproduce, in whole or in part, or to represent this site or any part of its elements. Only strictly private use will be tolerated, subject to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.

The trademarks and logos of Koaria, as well as those of its partners, displayed on the site, are registered trademarks. In accordance with the provisions of articles L. 713-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code, any total or partial reproduction, modification, or removal of these trademarks is strictly prohibited without express permission from their owners.

Information regarding “Cookies”: This site exclusively uses cookies through Google Analytics. Google Analytics complies with the GDPR regulation in effect since May 25, 2018, concerning data processing and does not require prior authorization (opt-in). The data is processed anonymously and does not allow Koaria to identify a visitor to its website. A cookie does not identify you, but it records information about your computer’s navigation on our site, establishing a connection between our server and your identifier, without any personal data. These files are used to improve and simplify your navigation on our site, as well as to obtain statistics on site traffic. The retention period varies depending on the type of cookie used. Session cookies are active only during a browsing session, from your arrival on the site until the closure of your Internet browser. Depending on the configuration, some browsers retain the file beyond the initial session. In this case, it is the responsibility of the user to configure their browser to avoid this situation. We inform you of the possibility to oppose the recording of Google Analytics cookies by adjusting your browser settings (WARNING! Some features of the site may become inoperative). You can refer to our complete policy on cookie usage.

Protection of personal data: The site is committed to preserving your personal data and privacy. This section gathers all information related to the processing of personal data. The email addresses collected through the contact form are used exclusively to communicate with you through our team. In accordance with the “Informatique et Liberté” law of January 6, 1978, you have a permanent right of opposition, access, rectification, and deletion of all data concerning you that has been collected. To exercise this right, you can submit a request through the contact form. An identity document may be requested from you.

Content related to the website: The data provided on this site is indicative and does not carry any implicit or explicit guarantee. Koaria disclaims any illegal use of the data present on this site. All information provided on this site may contain technical and/or typographical errors. It is the responsibility of users to independently verify their accuracy or reliability. Visitor comments are the sole responsibility of their authors and cannot be attributed to Koaria. Any defamatory comment or comment contrary to the law, in any form (insults, racism, incitement to hatred, etc.), will be deleted by the site administrator as soon as they become aware of it. Please review these General Conditions before using or submitting any content, in any form or medium whatsoever, for publication on Koaria. By continuing to use our services or by submitting content for publication on Koaria, you agree to comply with these General Conditions and be bound by them.